Hard Rock/ Heavy Metal band from the North of the country, more precisely from Vagos. They began in 1988 when Carlos Silva drummer, and Carlos Santos guitarist, who were studying together, decided to form a group. Meanwhile they met Juan Manuel bass, who was studying guitar at the time. After they told him about the project, Juan started to dedicate himself to the bass.The band stopped for a while, when they started working enthusiastically again. In 1991 Luís Santos appeared and offered to be the vocalist. The band decided that Luís was the right one for Luner Gun and he was accepted. With time, they saw the need for another guitarist. (who was attending rehearsals at the time) José Saragoça, who adapted easily. Later, they decided to record some songs they had worked on so far. So in 1992, they went into studio and recorded their first demo entitled "Set Us Free". The tracklist: "Black Animal, White Beast", "Man With a Mission", "Less Strange The Hate", "Baby Be Mine", "House Of Rest", "Death Paradise", "Give Me The Time", "Set Us Free". After the recording, guitarist Carlos Santos left the band for various reasons, leaving them with only four members. Loner Gun gave some concerts, and worked on new compositions to take to studio in 1993.


demo tape "Set Us Free" ©1992

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