Dedicated to the Portuguese Metal scene from the 80s up to the 90s.
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The originsdate backto 1978, in Baixa Da Banheira, Moita, whenthreekidsstarted playing withthe ambition toform a band. These kidswere João Alexandre vocals/guitar, João Sérgio bass and Toninho guitar. After mucheffort,in early1984Asgarth wereformed. To completethe line up they speak withadrummerfriend of them, TonyDuarte, who tookthe place. Due to theambitionsof the band, theyneededanother guitarist,tostructure thebestguitarworkon theexistingsongs.AsJoão Alexandre alsoplayed guitar,took the place ofrhythmguitarist, leavingthe role ofvocalistforLuís Filipe,alongtime friend, whoheldthat position. They rehearsedand composedsongs, in precarious conditions,at the home ofToninho and João Sérgio. In early1986the bandis facedwith several problems,losing the spiritto continue, leadingits members toatotallack of interest, aftertwo yearsof existence. They were about togive up andbreak up the bandand it is in this climate thatcomessomeone whorealizesthe valueof the band:FranciscoLandum. Alreadyanexperiencedmusician(ex-TNT), whoseobjectivebecomesto raisethe band toa highexponent in thenational scene.Aftersomediscussions,decisions are madewithin theband and they decide to changethe band's name, in which it was chosenfrom dozensof them. the suggestion is fromJoãoAlexandre:Ibéria!
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