Fallacy formed in November 1994, with former members of Sacred Sin and the mythical Lakrau. The band consisted of João Alves vocals, João Paulo guitar, João André bass and Jorge Gonçalves drums.  With only a few months of existence Fallacy debut live at the I Metal Fair in Almada, together with Thormenthor. The acceptance was very good and the band was invited to join the list of bands that would perform at Quinzena da Juventude, in Almada, in March 1995, organized by the City Hall of that city. In that performance they played again with Thormenthor and also with Bizarra Locomotiva and
Silent Scream. In August 1995, Fallacy went into studio and recorded their debut album "Fallacy". It was at Boom Studios in Corroios and the songs were "Killer Race, "Godman", "Fifhty Hole" and "Blind in Grey". After the demo release, they gave a concert at Johnny Guitar bar. The band played live a few more times until the end of 1995, when vocalist João Alves left and was replaced by Ricardo Almeida. Already with the new line-up, Fallacy played at Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon and at the II Metal Fair in Almada, once again with Thormenthor and Extreme Unction. In April 1996 they play at the contest in Felgueiras, "Don't Stp le Metal". In 1997 they released a 4-track demo in CD-R and another demo in 2000, titled "Martirios". 


demo tape "Fallacy" ©1995 audio sample

demo CD-R "Demo 1997" ©1997 audio sample

demo CD-R "Martírios" ©1995


pass March 30th 1995, Almada

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